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The Library of Babel

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Koniec i początek

Koniec i początek - Wisława Szymborska Usual Syzmborska. That means very good and really inspiring.
The more I know her poetry the more I am interested in it.
And I never liked poetry so far.
Just made an exception for Garcia Lorca until now.

I had the luck of finding an edition of this one and many others poetry collections of Szymborska with original language and Italian translation.
Getting into the misteries of Polish as I am currently doing these poems are actually becoming my grammar book.

I could not have chosen a better professor, isn't it?

What disappoints me is the level of the Italian text which is sometimes poor due to unfortunate choices. Even with my basic knowledge of Polish I can get how the Italian translator left some "ink spots" by his own.

I will specify it better later on.